Range Fore Hope Golf Programs

5 - 99 years old

Play competitively
Learn to play
Improve my game
Play the game proficiently

Our Mission is to provide access to a variety of outdoor activities as a positive outlet to assist Active-Duty Service Members, Veterans (Combat and Disabled), and their Dependents as they overcome life's difficulties specifically attributed to the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

We believe that providing programs and resources to Veterans and their families (including spouses, children, and other family members) directly impacts the healing process.

Our primary goal of inclusivity allows us to reach and teach across the entire spectrum of our Adaptive sports participants and specifically use golf as an opportunity to promote equality to all the members we serve. We are excited to offer our programs to such a diverse population. Eligibility for our programs is far reaching and we are excited to assist all the demographics we do!

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