
18 - 88 years old

Play competitively
Learn to play
Improve my game
Play the game proficiently

Welcome2Golf is a program designed to convert non-golfing adults into committed golfers by introducing them to the game of golf through a fun and safe welcoming experience. The three components that makeup Welcome2Golf are:

INVITE (Our instructors are trained to reach out to their local communities and "invite" people to try golf, rather than wait for non-golfers to find them)

INTRODUCE (Once W2G participants visit our facilities, they are "introduced" to many of the components of the game including a tour of the facility, what to wear, how to practice, on-course experiences, etc... to increase their understanding and comfort level... opening the doors to a great golf learning experience. The actual instruction is what brings everything together.)

CONVERT (We know, that creating a committed golfer doesn't end when the lessons end. In the "CONVERT" stage, new golfers are given reasons and opportunities to come back, play, and learn... all in a fun and non-intimidating atmosphere that encourages play.)

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