Impact Zone Golf

5 - 99 years old

Play competitively
Learn to play
Improve my game
Play the game proficiently

Impact Zone Golf is the teaching academy founded by former PGA Tour & PGA Tour Champions player Bobby Clampett. Bobby and his staff of instructors specialize in getting golfers of any age or ability to hit the ball with more consistency, distance, and predictable direction. Every golf swing is unique, and the team at Impact Zone Golf understands that. Through improving players' impact with Bobby's 5 Dynamics players will begin to have better impact, which leads to better golf! Impact Zone specalizes in long term coaching, as opposed to giving players one quick fix that will eventually stop working. Armed with the latest technology in the world of golf, there is no more mystery as to why your ball does what it does. Bobby and his team of instructors are ready to fix your golf game, for good! 

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